
Redesigning the shopping experience on the desktop website

ChallengeUX and shopping experience redesign on desktop
My roleResearch, Information Architecture, Navigation flow, Wireframing, Visual design
SoftwareWhimsical, Figma
Project time2 weeks


Mercadona is one of the most known chains of cheap supermarkets in Spain. This company was one of the first ones in having online shopping more than 10 years ago. However, their shopping experience has not changed over the years.


Problem statement

Online shopping has become one of the keys in e-commerce during the last few years. During covid, supermarkets have increased online sales and this became one of the main income.

It is being more than 10 years since the creation of the website and there have been no changes since then.

Who buys in Mercadona and who is using the website?

Several consumer associations determine that the consumer in Mercadona is a person that worries about their health and wants to be informed about healthier options in their diet. This profile is also more solidary and responsible in the way they consume.

In specific, we are talking mainly about families and workers with a low-medium income.

During Covid, the number of people that have decided to go online with their grocery shop has increased; young people, families, people that live alone and couples with a low-medium income.

The reasons why they would buy only are to save time, be able to spot easily the offers, avoid heavy loads and be safe.

Findings from the research

To address the difficulties users were experiencing in the current website we asked a group of 30 subjects getting the following results:


Possible solutions to improve the experience

Navigation flow

Hover over to zoom in (desktop version).


Hover over to zoom in (desktop version).

Visual Design